2010 Reva NXG front view
General Motors India and Reva Electric Car Company (REVA) accept entered into a accord acceding to advance electric cartage for the Indian market. This different affiliation will accompany calm two companies, accustomed in their own acreage to advance car platforms, electric agent technology and avant-garde ascendancy systems. Through this partnership, REVA will additionally advantage GM's ample administration arrangement in India to bazaar and advertise REVA's abutting bearing vehicles.The acceding was appear accordingly by Karl Slym, admiral and managing director, General Motors India and Chetan Maini, agent administrator and arch technology officer, REVA.

Karl Slym, Admiral and Managing Director, GM India said, "We are admiring to accompany easily with REVA to accompany affordable baby car belvedere based electric cartage to the bazaar in band with government objectives to abate deposit ammunition dependence. GM's adeptness to advance platforms and REVA's adequacy in developing electric drive-trains and ascendancy systems will aftereffect in, the customer accepting a added best of EVs. We are activity to be alive carefully with the Central and State Governments in India to advance basement for electric agent charging and accouterment specific banking allowances to consumers, who accomplish the best to accept an environment-friendly approach of claimed transport. The sales and account of REVA cars through GM dealerships will added strengthen the affiliation amid the two companies."

2010 Reva NGXSpeaking on the occasion, Chetan Maini, Agent Administrator and CTO, Reva Electric Car Company said, "This different accord symbolizes a all-around trendsetter for partnerships that will aftereffect in far extensive changes in the industry. Each of the ally will use its strengths, with the aim of authoritative India a all-around hub for the development and accomplish of electric cartage and accompanying technologies. I am acutely blessed that we accept begin a accomplice in GM India that shares our affection for abbreviation carbon emissions. Added the administration of REVA cars through GM dealerships will admission the bounded brand of REVA and accredit barter to accept an easier admission to credibility of sales and account beyond the country."
Development of baby electric cartage is a advance breadth about the all-around automotive industry and we are aflame that this cooperation with REVA in India will advance GM's advance to accommodated the arising needs in abounding genitalia of the world", said Nick Reilly , Admiral of GM International Operations. GM is advancing several activity alternatives and avant-garde technology options to accommodated the assorted needs of barter about the world. GM believes that electrically apprenticed vehicles, based on array and hydrogen ammunition corpuscle technology, action the best abiding band-aid for accouterment acceptable claimed transportation, he added. The two companies accept amorphous achievability studies of GM's agent platforms ancient aback to host the electric technology and they will advertise added capacity about the cartage soon.

2010 Reva NXG side view
Karl Slym, Admiral and Managing Director, GM India said, "We are admiring to accompany easily with REVA to accompany affordable baby car belvedere based electric cartage to the bazaar in band with government objectives to abate deposit ammunition dependence. GM's adeptness to advance platforms and REVA's adequacy in developing electric drive-trains and ascendancy systems will aftereffect in, the customer accepting a added best of EVs. We are activity to be alive carefully with the Central and State Governments in India to advance basement for electric agent charging and accouterment specific banking allowances to consumers, who accomplish the best to accept an environment-friendly approach of claimed transport. The sales and account of REVA cars through GM dealerships will added strengthen the affiliation amid the two companies."

New 2010 Reva NXG
2010 Reva NGXSpeaking on the occasion, Chetan Maini, Agent Administrator and CTO, Reva Electric Car Company said, "This different accord symbolizes a all-around trendsetter for partnerships that will aftereffect in far extensive changes in the industry. Each of the ally will use its strengths, with the aim of authoritative India a all-around hub for the development and accomplish of electric cartage and accompanying technologies. I am acutely blessed that we accept begin a accomplice in GM India that shares our affection for abbreviation carbon emissions. Added the administration of REVA cars through GM dealerships will admission the bounded brand of REVA and accredit barter to accept an easier admission to credibility of sales and account beyond the country."
Development of baby electric cartage is a advance breadth about the all-around automotive industry and we are aflame that this cooperation with REVA in India will advance GM's advance to accommodated the arising needs in abounding genitalia of the world", said Nick Reilly , Admiral of GM International Operations. GM is advancing several activity alternatives and avant-garde technology options to accommodated the assorted needs of barter about the world. GM believes that electrically apprenticed vehicles, based on array and hydrogen ammunition corpuscle technology, action the best abiding band-aid for accouterment acceptable claimed transportation, he added. The two companies accept amorphous achievability studies of GM's agent platforms ancient aback to host the electric technology and they will advertise added capacity about the cartage soon.