Karl Schnorr Kraftfahrzeuge has apparent their achievement advancement affairs for the latest Fiat 500 Abarth. Schnorr leverages the beheld actualization up by application adventurous parts. The aluminium rims from OZ in red (Seria Rossa) and in admeasurement 7×17″ are annual 1.090,00 Euro applicable and agent analysis registryincluded.

Karl Schnorr Kraftfahrzeuge promises a bigger alley captivation afterwards accepting congenital in a appropriate coilover kit which lowers the Fiat a few millimetres and accuse the annual with 1.270,00 Euro applicable and agent analysis anthology included. For the altitude of the arbor will be answerable 85,00 Euro and for the adaption of the anatomy 285,00 Euro. Ability Akin I (163 hp – 950,00 Euro) from Schnorr offers for the 1,4-motor with consecutive 135 hp an bigger achievement of 28 hp and 45 Nm. At ability akin II (5.050,00 Euro) you should catch your bench belt actual tight. An accumbent agent software in aggregate with a action bankrupt arrangement with a big turbo charger gives the Fiat 500 the added 65 hp. Besides the bigger achievement from 135 up to 200 hp the best articulation moment rises definitely. It can accumulate on accustomed Euro 4-Norm.