The affability specialist Hamann Motorsport accepted that it is not alone one of the best addresses for adorning BMW models and absolute affluence automobiles. With the active accent programme for the Fiat 500, the Laupheim based technicians larboard their accepted area and blithely and acquiescently advantaged in adorning the contemporary awakening scooter. Their efforts paid out, the adorning band for the Italian bunched car met the approval of the Fiat 500 enthusiasts. Therefore, Hamann now adds the absorbing ample modification Hamann Largo to its portfolio.
Hamann Motorsport did not accept to adventure unchartered grounds, as the aggregation has been specialised in such adventurous modifications for abounding years already. The latest absorbing contributions by the affability able were the Mercedes SLR Volcano, the BMW X6 Tycoon Evo or the Porsche Cayenne Cyclone. For the adapted architecture cant of the contemporary Italian, the engineers advised new aerodynamics apparatus fabricated of ablaze blended materials. Altogether bogus extensions seamlessly fit into the car anatomy architecture and accord the Largo a adult appearance. A arresting eye-catcher is the re-designed advanced brim with chip LED-lights. Special addition extensions are added at the advanced and the back. They augment the car anatomy by absorbing 30 millimetres at the front- and 35 millimetres at the aback axle. The beheld arete is rendered by the altogether shaped ancillary skirts. And additionally the anew advised appendage is remarkable: four bankrupt end pipes and a diffuser which resembles the Ferrari aspect leave an amazing mark at the tail. It goes after adage that all Hamann apparatus do not alone argue with their look, but additionally with their aerodynamic characteristics. They aftermath an optimised air aqueduct beyond the car contour and accordingly cede added bottomward force.

2010 Hamann Largo Fiat 500 Rims View
A accurately developed action bankrupt arrangement turns the awakening scooter into a boxy sports car and renders a able and bawdy sound. The arrangement includes an end muffler with four annular stainless animate pipes, a pre-muffler with a metal catalyser and a action manifold. All apparatus can additionally be ordered separately. The Hamann technicians developed a achievement kit abnormally for the Fiat 500 Abarth. The agent achievement access to 265 hp at 5,630 rpm. The best torque rises to astronomic 348 Nm at 4,200 rpm.